33, Boulevard Beaumarchais - PARIS 3rd
Tel: + 33 (0) 1 42 77 22 22 Contact information
Christian PINGEON, (4th generation), Maître cabinetmaker, Compagnon of the Turn of France, Expert close the Courts, customs, Honorary president of the French Union of the Experts Specialized in antiquities and objets d'art, and his/her Companions of the Tradition are "proud to make what is not done any more", in the respect of the values of the true Tradition, They are specialists in Cabinet work - Cabinetwork, for works of woodwork of XVe at the XVIIIème centuries, with or without sculpture, with or without gilding, such as restoration and reproductions of:
Panelled mural woodworks and
of woodworks, carved or not, gilded or not
Parquet floors of the Castle of Versailles, marquetry or in mosaic
Preparings of chimneys out of wooden
Doors of interior and outside
Frenchwoman or coffered ceilings
Interior shutters
Christian Pingeon will with pleasure receive you, on go, in his show-room, which are in one of the oldest districts of PARIS the 3rd district, i.e. the "Marsh", (close to the place of the Vosges) with 150 meters of the Bastille.
With his/her Companions of the Tradition, impassioned beautiful work, it works in the compliance with the ancestral rules, for example while being useful of the "golden section", calculation used by the builders of cathedrals of the Average Age.
They are registered with the Repertory of the Companies Specialized in Conservation and Restoration of the Historic buildings and Museums of France, and each restoration is carried out truly with old, for example: mortice and tenon
joints, pinned and without adhesive, they are the methods of the time.
Among their last works, let us quote, the castle of Bluche (78), the castle of Oigny in Valois (02), the castle of Ependes (Swiss), the castle of Courbon (08). Several companions who work with Christian Pingeon also took part in the restoration of the castle of Versailles (in sculpture and gilding).
Each reproduction of woodworks, parquet floors "in Versailles", doors, chimneys, ceilings out of wooden, etc, with or without sculptures or gildings, recreated especially with dimensions of the residences, old or not, is carried out truly with old, and assembled with the hand, which in fact a single part, these works make it possible to find this harmonious environment, cordial and elegant that our ancestors knew and which makes so much dream today.
In the interiors of quality, the tempting woodworks crossed the ages without never démodé.
Indeed what could be more pleasant than to live, in alleviating and cordial environment that a beautiful panelled woodwork gets,
in environment, where, protected from the aggressions of the external world, the cold, the noise and agitation, one smells oneself well, sheltered as in a cocoon by this noble, making safe and always alive matter which is sawn timber.
All the charm of an art of living with the old, where mix refinement, true elegance, balance, where each detail is with the height of the unit: the quality of the Great Century.
Since several generations, they can recreate what disappeared with the wire from the centuries, to carry out works of cabinet work in the true code of practice, where the study of the harmony of the proportions competes with the control of wood.
The research of excellence is their raison d'être, and it is for that that they are often called to recompose or restore beautiful woodworks for the historical residences or simply "of quality", yours if you wish it.
This woodwork carried out especially, with your dimensions and a true quality of Companions, will be most beautiful, and most authentic; adjusted with dimensions of your part, it will have the right proportions, those of which, each one dreams.
In a time when the foil too often replaces true quality, or each object is produced to thousands of specimens, where work well done and know-how yield the place to an execution machinale, precipitated and without passion,
It is comforting to note that there are still men able to take time to work beautiful pieces of wood, to assemble them with one, with the hand, "to polish and repolish their work" in a permanent research of the perfection, that which requires true quality.
It is pleasant to learn that there remain still some Companions attached to a certain idea (an ideal would have to be said), from a real quality: that of the Companions of the Tradition, based on the true values, the rigor, the morals of work well done, and the pride to make what is not done any more.
Companions who work with the unit, without being limited by dimensions standardized, nor tributary of the technical constraints that impose the series; creating each time a single and original work.
Heirs to the highest secular traditions, Christian Pingeon and his Companions continue to make live in all its authenticity this craft industry which conquered the right to be called "Art".
Only that which carries out its work with the knowledge and in the compliance with the ancestral rules can claim to work truly with old (for example, by using the "golden section": calculation being already used to the builders of Cathedrals of the Average Age).
Each work must be worked according to precise principles' of quality, solidity, esthetics and tradition: to last of the generations.
These Workshops remain among the last known in the world which still work out their works in the true tradition, i.e.: with truths assemblies: truths let us hold, true mortises, without adhesive, true ankles, like several centuries ago, like those of our ancestors, those which one finds today in the historical museums and residences, they are the same ones: indémodables, indestructible, eternal.
And this "crowned" Tradition date of more than 5 millennia; Indeed, there is an important documentation concerning the work of wood in Egypt since the beginning of the first dynasty (3.000 front. J-C), "worked with a so high level of knowledge which it reveals an origin much older... The assemblies were carried out as of the origins with tenons and mortises... with ankles ". ("everyday life in EGYPTIAN Egypt" MUSEE OF TURIN - ITALY).
Each work, entirely assembled to the hand, (what in fact a single part), will carry the stamp (signature in wood like 200 years ago) of Christian Pingeon, Ébéniste. The works worked out in these Workshops never ceased being appreciated amateurs the most cultivated, in France, well on, but also beyond our borders, where they represent noble old France, his culture and his history.
You will discover that today still all the efforts of these Companions, have only one goal: the continuity of the tradition, so that each work is at the same time an object d'art, a work in charge of the history and richness of the past.
To create their works, these Companions use only the noblest trees, more than centenaries, extracts of the best forests of France, at the moment most favourable, cut down at the best season and the best moon.
To have a quality of first choice require moreover, that a part only (the best), of each wood ball is used
(i.e. less than half is employed, which remainder will be yielded to factories, to manufacture pieces of furniture in series).
It is thanks to this selection of quality that each work will be able to live and remain beautiful during generations.
The transformation of this sawn timber will require time, patience, sensitivity, rigor, and also much of know-how.
According to well defined rules', with the gesture patient, precise, exerted with the methods of the true tradition, this "fact-hand", it is the plane which printed its passage on an amount, it is the mallet which inserted each ankle, they are these some marks of-Ci, beyond, testifying to resistance that wood knew to impose on the tool, it is the irregularity in the relief of a sculpture, letting guess the work of the gouge, the sculptures are carried out only with the hand in full wooden, the ankles put at like formerly.
Thanks to the tradition, perseverance and the assets, these Companions can take time to develop each completion.
All this care, all these efforts makes with the workshops Companions of the Tradition, a reputation recognized for the rare quality of their achievements which represent the nobility, the charm and the durable beauty of the lengthily matured works of art.
These workshops were devoted internationally, by receiving many rewards "in homage to the exceptional quality of their manufacture, makes in wood noblest, with their esthetics and the compliance of the Tradition and the rules of know-how".
However these successes never led to the facility. Christian Pingeon and his Companions continue to bring to the development and the completion of their works time and the care necessary.
You will be happy you also, to have a single part, estampillée (signed truly with red iron), a work made to last of the centuries, you like it already, you are proud, he will become your companion, and the companion of life of those which you like and which you will like, he will never démodé itself, he will not undergo the attacks of time, he will be your heritage.
These companions like their trade, you like their work.
The Trade-guild is the prolongation of a method of teaching whose principle goes up with the history of the men.
For information:
- Former Companion D.A.D. Turn of France.
- Expert close the Court of Appeal of Paris and the Courts of its spring.
- Expert U.F.E. specialized in panelled woodworks and parquet floors, of the XV at the XVIIIe centuries.
- Accesseur close the Commission of Customs Expertise named by the Ministry for the Economy and Finances, (expert close the customs).
- Member of the Company of the Specialized engineers close the Court of Appeal of Paris.
- Registered voter with the International Guide of the Experts.
- Registered voter with
the repertory of the Companies Qualified in Conservation and Restoration of the Historic buildings and Museums of France.
- Counsel by the Ministry for the culture, Direction of the Museums of France, Direction of the Inheritance, Town of Paris, Direction of the Cultural Affairs, Direction of Architecture; Historic buildings and Buildings of France for the restoration and the conservation of the inheritance.
- To advise Technological Teaching named by the Ministry for National Education.
- Member of the Jury of the technical examinations of the cabinet work.
- Professor, part-time lecturer to the E.A.C. and I.D.H.E.T.
- Master of training.
- Diploma of European Excellence.
- Diploma of the Committee "Signed Paris" decreed by the Town of Paris and the Guild chamber.
- international Price of the piece of furniture and decoration.
- international Price of Quality.
- Selected for the international exhibition "Of Hand of Master" to the Large Palate of Paris, under the High Patronage of the Ministry for the Culture and the Ministry for National Education.
- Member of the Workshops of Art of France.
Honorary president of the French Union of the Experts in Antiquities and Objects d'art.
- Former President of the Workshops of Art and Tradition of France.
- Former member of the Experts of News England (the USA).
- Former Consular Delegate.
- Decorated by the Mayor with Paris.
click to see the file: Historical precis on the floors and parquet floors
antique tradition
art ébénisterie
art tradition antiques
art tradition France
art tradition
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bibliothèques France
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parquets de Versailles
parquets Versailles
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Versailles parquets